Towards sustainability in world fisheries |
Activities, Problems, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions, International Responses |
Agriculture, Consumption, Water |
2002 |
World Telecommunication Development Report 2002: Reinventing Telecoms |
Activities, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions, International Responses |
Governance, Industry, Trade |
2002 |
The Global Information Technology Report 2001-2002: Readiness for the Networked World |
Activities, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions, International Responses |
Industry |
2002 |
Possible Effects of Global Warming on Agriculture and Water Resources in Saudi Arabia: Impacts and Responses |
Activities, Problems, Social Solutions, International Responses |
Agriculture, Consumption, Water |
2002 |
Syrian Arab Republic Country Profile |
Problems, Social Solutions, International Responses |
Agriculture, Consumption, Energy, Land Use, Governance, Industry, Mobility, Population, Trade, Urbanization |
2002 |
Renewable Energy Markets in Developing Countries* |
Activities, Problems, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions, International Responses |
Agriculture, Consumption, Energy, Industry, Population, Trade, Unmet Needs |
2002 |
Environment Monitoring and Research Central Unit |
Activities, Problems, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions, International Responses |
Water |
2003 |
The National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace |
Activities, International Responses |
Conflicts, Governance |
2003 |
Energy Technology Systems Analysis Programme Newsletter December 2003 |
Activities, Problems, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions, International Responses |
Energy, Governance, Industry, Mobility |
2003 |
World Telecommunication Development Report 2003: Access Indicators for the Information Society |
Activities, Technical Solutions, International Responses |
Governance, Industry |
2003 |
On the path to sustainability: integrating social dimensions into the research and practice of environmental management |
Activities, Social Solutions, International Responses |
Governance, Mobility, Population, Urbanization |
2003 |
OSCE Document on Stockpiles of Conventional Ammunition |
Activities, Social Solutions, International Responses |
Conflicts, Governance |
2003 |
World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) - Geneva Plan of Action |
Activities, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions, International Responses |
Industry, Governance |
2003 |
World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) - Geneva Declaration of Principles |
Activities, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions, International Responses |
Industry |
2003 |
The India-Brazil-South Africa Dialogue Forum |
Activities, Social Solutions, International Responses |
Governance |
2003 |
Cyber Warfare: An Analysis of the Means and Motivations of Selected Nation States |
Activities, International Responses |
Conflicts, Governance, Industry |
2004 |
Workshop on Internet Governance – Chairman’s Report |
Technical Solutions, Social Solutions, International Responses |
Governance, Industry |
2004 |
Damascus Call Towards Partnership for Building the Arab Information Society |
Social Solutions, International Responses |
Governance, Industry |
2004 |
ITU WSIS Thematic Meeting on Countering Spam – Chairman’s Report |
Technical Solutions, Social Solutions, International Responses |
Governance, Industry |
2004 |
Baku Declaration on Digital Divide and Knowledge Economy |
Problems, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions, International Responses |
Governance, Industry |
2004 |
Conference on “Role and Place of Media in the Information Society in Africa and the Arab States” – Action Plan |
Social Solutions, International Responses |
Governance, Industry |
2004 |
Regional Plan of Action for Building the Information Society: Western Asia |
Problems, Social Solutions, International Responses |
Governance, Industry |
2004 |
The Environmental Impacts of the Gulf War 1991 |
Activities, Problems, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions, International Responses |
Agriculture, Conflicts, Consumption, Energy, Land Use, Governance, Industry, Migration, Mobility, Population, Trade, Unmet Needs, Urbanization, Water |
2004 |
Lessons from ICANN: Is self-regulation of the Internet fundamentally flawed? |
Social Solutions, International Responses |
Governance, Industry |
2004 |
Global Marshall Plan |
International Responses, Social Solutions |
Governance, Trade, Unmet Needs |
2004 |
World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) - Final Report of the Geneva Phase of the Summit |
Activities, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions, International Responses |
Industry |
2004 |
Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships for Bridging the Digital Divide – Draft Chairman’s Report |
Activities, Technical Solutions, International Responses |
Governance, Industry |
2005 |
Asia Media Summit: Recommendations to the WSIS in Tunis |
Problems, Social Solutions, International Responses |
Industry |
2005 |
The Role of ICT for Disaster Warning and Relief |
Technical Solutions, International Responses |
Conflicts, Governance, Industry |
2005 |
International Policy Framework for Protecting Critical Information Infrastructure: A Discussion Paper Outlining Key Policy Issue |
Technical Solutions, International Responses |
Governance, Industry |
2005 |
Seoul-Gyeonggi Declaration on the Equal Participation of Women in the Information Society |
Social Solutions, International Responses |
Governance, Industry |
2005 |
Rio De Janeiro Commitment (Regional Plan of Action) |
Social Solutions, International Responses |
Governance, Industry |
2005 |
WSIS Thematic Meeting on “Measuring the Information Society” – Final Conclusions |
Technical Solutions, International Responses |
Governance, Industry |
2005 |
UNESCO between Two Phases of the World Summit on the Information Society – Final Document |
Problems, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions, International Responses |
Governance, Industry |
2005 |
Report of the WSIS Indigenous Thematic Planning Conference for Tunisia |
Problems, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions, International Responses |
Governance, Industry, Unmet Needs |
2005 |
Tehran Declaration on Building the Information Society in Asia and the Pacific (Regional Plan of Action) |
Social Solutions, International Responses |
Governance, Industry |
2005 |
Reports and Conclusions of the Thematic meetings organized by UNESCO |
Problems, International Responses |
Governance, Industry |
2005 |
World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) - Tunis Agenda for the Information Society |
Activities, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions, International Responses |
Industry, Trade |
2005 |
Conclusions of the South Eastern Europe Ministerial Conference on the Information Society |
Problems, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions, International Responses |
Governance, Industry |
2005 |
World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) - Tunis Commitment |
Activities, Social Solutions, International Responses |
Industry |
2005 |
WSIS Thematic Meeting on “Economic and Social Implications of ICT” – Report |
Technical Solutions, Social Solutions, International Responses |
Governance, Industry |
2005 |
Tokyo Ubiquitous Network Conference “Toward the Realization of a Ubiquitous Network Society” – Chairman’s Report |
Technical Solutions, Social Solutions, International Responses |
Governance, Industry |
2005 |
The Rotterdam Convention |
Activities, Social Solutions, International Responses |
Trade |
2005 |
ACCRA Commitments for WSIS Tunis 2005 (Regional Conference Outcome Document) |
Problems, Social Solutions, International Responses |
Governance, Industry |
2005 |
Plan of Action for the Information Society in Latin America and the Caribbean (eLAC 2007) |
Technical Solutions, Social Solutions, International Responses |
Industry |
2005 |
Report of the Working Group on Internet Governance (WGIG) |
Technical Solutions, International Responses |
Industry, Governance |
2005 |
World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) - Final Report of the Tunis Phase of the WSIS |
Activities, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions, International Responses |
Governance, Industry |
2006 |
Environment-Morocco: The Old Picture Is Disappearing |
Activities, Problems, Social Solutions, International Responses |
Energy, Land Use, Governance, Water |
2006 |
A Proposal for an International Convention to Regulate the Use of Information Systems in Armed Conflict |
Activities, International Responses |
Conflicts, Governance, Industry |
2006 |
Critical Infrastructure Threats and Terrorism |
Activities, Social Solutions, International Responses |
Conflicts, Energy, Governance, Industry, Water |
2006 |