Reducing Economic Inequality as a Sustainable Development Goal |
Problems, Social Solutions, International Responses |
Consumption, Governance, Industry, Trade, Unmet Needs |
2014 |
Reference Ontology for Cybersecurity Operational Information. |
Technical Solutions |
Governance, Industry |
2015 |
Reference Paper Green Economy in the Arab Region: Overall Concept and Avaliable Options |
Problems, Social Solutions |
Consumption, Governance |
2012 |
Reforming the Tax System to Promote Environmental Objectives: An Application to Mauritius |
Problems, Social Solutions |
Consumption, Governance, Trade |
2012 |
Regional Plan of Action for Building the Information Society: Western Asia |
Problems, Social Solutions, International Responses |
Governance, Industry |
2004 |
Regional-Scale Assembly Rules and Biodiversity of Coral Reefs |
Activities, Problems, Technical Solutions |
Agriculture, Governance |
2003 |
Regulators Can Help Obama Secure It |
Activities, Social Solutions |
Governance |
2012 |
REN21-Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century |
Problems, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions, International Responses |
Energy, Urbanization, Governance |
---- |
Renewable Energy Potentials in Saudi Arabia |
Activities, Problems, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions |
Consumption, Energy, Governance, Water |
---- |
Report of the Working Group on Internet Governance (WGIG) |
Technical Solutions, International Responses |
Industry, Governance |
2005 |
Report of the WSIS Indigenous Thematic Planning Conference for Tunisia |
Problems, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions, International Responses |
Governance, Industry, Unmet Needs |
2005 |
Reports and Conclusions of the Thematic meetings organized by UNESCO |
Problems, International Responses |
Governance, Industry |
2005 |
Research core and framework of sustainability science |
Activities, Problems |
Governance, Population |
2008 |
Resilience in practice: Five principles to enable societies to cope with extreme weather events |
Technical Solutions, Social Solutions |
Governance, Unmet Needs, Water |
2017 |
Responses to Environmental and Societal Challenges for our Unstable Earth (RESCUE) |
Activities, Problems, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions, International Responses |
Governance, Population |
2011 |
Responsible banking. Sustainable future. |
Problems, Social Solutions |
Consumption, Energy, Governance, Industry, Trade, Water |
2013 |
Restrained by Design: The Political Economy of Cybersecurity |
Technical Solutions, Social Solutions |
Conflicts, Governance, Industry |
2017 |
Rio 2012 Issue Briefs: Current Ideas on Sustainable Development Goals and Indicators (Issue Brief #6) |
Problems, Social Solutions, International Responses |
Consumption, Governance |
2012 |
Rio 2012 Issue Briefs: Current Ideas on Sustainable Development Goals and Indicators (Issue Brief #6) |
Problems, Social Solutions, International Responses |
Consumption, Governance |
2012 |
Rio 2012 Issue Briefs: Oceans (Issue Brief #4) |
Problems, Social Solutions |
Governance, Water |
2012 |
Rio 2012 Issue Briefs: Reducing Disaster Risk and Building Resiliance (Issue Brief #8) |
Social Solutions |
Energy, Governance |
2012 |
Rio 2012 Issue Briefs: Regional, national and local level governance for sustainable development (Issue Brief #10) |
Social Solutions, International Responses |
Governance |
2012 |
Rio De Janeiro Commitment (Regional Plan of Action) |
Social Solutions, International Responses |
Governance, Industry |
2005 |
Rio+ 20 Earth summit draft agenda |
Activities, Social Solutions, International Responses |
Consumption, Energy, Land Use, Governance, Industry, Urbanization, Water |
2014 |
Road & Transport Authority Annual Statistical Report 2011 |
Social Solutions |
Energy, Governance, Mobility |
2013 |
Road Map Towards the Implementation of the United Nations Millennium Declaration - A Report of the Secretary General |
International Responses |
Governance |
2001 |
Roadmap to Secure Control Systems in the Energy Sector |
Activities, Social Solutions |
Conflicts, Energy, Governance, Industry |
2006 |
Rule of Terror: Living under ISIS in Syria |
Social Solutions, International Responses |
Conflicts, Governance |
2014 |
Ruling the Arab Internet: An analysis of Internet Ownership Trends of Six Arab Countries |
Activities |
Governance, Industry, Trade |
2012 |
Russian Government Cyber Activity Targeting Energy and Other Critical Infrastructure Sectors |
Social Solutions, International Responses |
Conflicts, Governance |
2018 |
Safety in Cyberspace |
Activities, Social Solutions |
Governance |
2011 |
Saudi Arabia Ministry of Communication – Content Filtering Policy |
Activities |
Governance, Industry |
2012 |
Saudi Arabia Energy Issues |
Activities, Problems, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions |
Consumption, Energy, Governance |
---- |
Saudi Aramco |
Technical Solutions |
Energy, Governance, Industry |
2013 |
Science Technology and Innovation for Development in Iraq |
Activities, Social Solutions |
Consumption, Energy, Governance, Industry, Population, Trade |
2013 |
Secure web application development and global regulation |
Activities, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions |
Governance, Industry |
2007 |
Securing Cyberspace for the 44th Presidency: A report of the CSIS Commission on Cybersecurity for the 44th Presidency |
Social Solutions, International Responses |
Conflicts, Governance |
2008 |
Securing the Information Highway: How to Enhance the United States' Electronic Defenses |
Activities |
Conflicts, Governance |
2009 |
Security in Cyberspace: Combatting Distributed Denial of Service Attacks |
Activities, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions |
Conflicts, Governance, Industry |
2003 |
Seeking the Rule of Law in the Absence of the State: Transitional Justice and Policing in Opposition-Controlled Syria Pt. III |
Problems, Social Solutions |
Governance |
2014 |
Semantic Distances for Technology Landscape Visualization |
Activities |
Governance |
2012 |
Seoul-Gyeonggi Declaration on the Equal Participation of Women in the Information Society |
Social Solutions, International Responses |
Governance, Industry |
2005 |
Shaping the Green Growth Economy: A review of the public debate and the prospects for green growth |
Problems, Social Solutions, International Responses |
Governance |
2012 |
Sharjah Water and Electricity Authority |
Activities, Problems, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions, International Responses |
Consumption, Energy, Governance, Water |
2013 |
Shifting to a more strategic and sustainable social responsibility platform |
Problems |
Governance |
2015 |
Sixth Meeting of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) Chair’s Summary |
Activities, Problems, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions, International Responses |
Industry, Governance |
2011 |
Skills for Green Jobs: A Global View |
Problems, Social Solutions, International Responses |
Consumption, Governance |
2012 |
Slow, slow, quick, quick, slow:: Saudi Arabia's ‘Gas Initiative’ |
Activities, Problems, Technical Solutions |
Consumption, Energy, Governance, Industry, Trade |
2004 |
Small Mushrooms for Big Business? Gaps in the Sustainable Management of Non-Timber Forest Products in Southwest China |
Technical Solutions |
Consumption, Land Use, Governance |
2014 |
Small States and Big Ideas: Estonia's Battle for Cybersecurity Norms. |
Social Solutions |
Conflicts, Governance, Industry |
2015 |