Local Jobs and Income Growth: The Decatur Industry and Technology Center Impacts |
Social Solutions |
Industry |
1994 |
Local solutions to global problems: the potential of agroforestry for climate change adaptation and mitigation in southern Africa |
Activities, Social Solutions |
Agriculture, Land Use, Industry |
2013 |
Long Lasting Tourism: Developing Sustainability Tourism in Dhofar- Sultanate of Oman |
Social Solutions |
Industry |
2013 |
Lost in Cyberspace: Harnessing the Internet, International Relations, and Global Security |
Activities, Social Solutions |
Governance, Industry |
2012 |
Loving the Cyber Bomb? The Dangers of Threat Inflation in Cybersecurity Policy |
Social Solutions |
Conflicts, Governance |
2011 |
M-Government: Mobile Technologies for Responsive Government and Connected Societies |
Technical Solutions, Social Solutions, International Responses |
Industry, Governance |
2011 |
Mainstreaming the Economics of Nature: A synthesis of the approach, conclusions and recommendations of the TEEB |
Problems, Social Solutions, International Responses |
Governance, Trade |
2012 |
Management of Southern Ocean fisheries: global forces and future sustainability |
Activities, Problems, Social Solutions |
Governance, Water |
2017 |
Managing Disaster Risks for a Resilient Future A Work Plan for the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery 2016 – 2018 |
Problems, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions |
Conflicts, Governance, Population, Trade, Urbanization, Water |
2015 |
Managing Online Security Risks |
Activities, Social Solutions |
Industry, Trade |
2000 |
Managing security risks for sustainable development |
Problems, Social Solutions, International Responses |
Governance, Industry |
2015 |
Manufacturing |
Technical Solutions, Social Solutions |
Governance |
2013 |
Marginal and Virtual Water for Sustainable Water Resources Management in Syria |
Problems, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions |
Agriculture, Water |
2012 |
Marine Stewardship Council |
Social Solutions |
Consumption, Water |
---- |
Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. publishers |
Technical Solutions, Social Solutions |
Industry, Trade |
2016 |
Masdar |
Activities, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions, International Responses |
Energy, Governance, Population, Urbanization |
---- |
Matters Related to the Kyoto Protocol |
Technical Solutions, Social Solutions, Problems |
Energy, Industry, Mobility |
---- |
Measuring the impact of alternative and nuclear energy consumption, carbon dioxide emissions and oil rents on specific growth factors in the panel of Latin American countries |
Problems, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions |
Consumption, Energy |
2017 |
Media Sustainability Index 2008 Kuwait |
Social Solutions, International Responses |
Governance, Population |
2008 |
Memorandum of Understanding Between Government of the Republic of Yemen and Yemeni Private Sector |
Social Solutions |
Governance |
2015 |
MENA Renewable Status Report |
Problems, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions |
Energy, Governance, Mobility, Trade |
2013 |
MENAP Oil Importers: Restore Macroeconomic Sustainability and Accelerate Growth |
Problems, Social Solutions |
Conflicts, Energy, Migration, Trade |
2013 |
Methane mitigation timelines to inform energy technology evaluation |
Problems, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions |
Energy |
2015 |
Methodology of estimating the population in UAE |
Social Solutions |
Population |
2013 |
Mexico City: Power, Equity, and Sustainable Development |
Activities, Problems, Social Solutions |
Governance |
2017 |
Mexico City: Power, Equity, and Sustainable Development |
Social Solutions |
Conflicts, Land Use, Governance |
2017 |
Microcredit Summit |
Problems, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions |
Unmet Needs |
---- |
Migration and mobility on the Amazon frontier |
Activities, Social Solutions |
Migration, Mobility, Population |
2013 |
Millenium Development Goal 8: The Global Partnership for Development: Time to Deliver. MDG Gap Task Force Report 2011 |
Problems, Social Solutions, International Responses |
Consumption, Energy, Governance, Population, Trade, Unmet Needs, Urbanization |
2012 |
Millennium Development Goal 1: Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger |
Social Solutions, International Responses |
Population, Unmet Needs |
2010 |
Millennium Development Goals: Kingdom of Bahrain 2003 |
Activities, Social Solutions |
Energy, Population, Urbanization |
2003 |
Ministerial Declaration: Action Plan on Food Price Volatility and Agriculture |
Social Solutions |
Unmet Needs |
2012 |
Ministry of Environment, Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency |
Activities, Problems, Social Solutions |
Agriculture, Consumption, Energy, Land Use, Governance, Industry, Migration, Mobility, Population, Trade, Unmet Needs, Urbanization, Water |
---- |
Ministry of the Environment, Estonia |
Activities, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions, International Responses |
Governance |
---- |
MIT Energy Laboratory |
Technical Solutions, Social Solutions |
Energy |
---- |
Modeling Cyber-Insurance |
Activities, Social Solutions |
Conflicts, Industry |
2010 |
Modeling Human Behavior to Anticipate Insider Attacks |
Activities, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions |
Governance, Industry |
2011 |
Modeling Nutrient Release in the Tai Lake Basin of China: Source Identification and Policy Implications |
Activities, Problems, Social Solutions |
Agriculture, Consumption, Governance, Population, Water |
2013 |
Models and Measures for Correlation in Cyber-Insurance |
Activities, Social Solutions |
Conflicts, Industry |
2006 |
Models of Internet Governance |
Technical Solutions, Social Solutions, International Responses |
Governance, Industry |
2008 |
Montana Rivers Project: Irrigation and the Environment |
Activities, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions |
Water |
---- |
Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer |
Activities, Problems, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions, International Responses |
Consumption, Energy, Governance, Industry |
1989 |
Most State Election Officials Lack Necessary Clearances, DHS Says |
Social Solutions, International Responses |
Conflicts, Governance |
2018 |
MTU Plant Biotechnology Research Center |
Technical Solutions, Social Solutions |
Land Use, Industry |
---- |
Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol |
International Responses, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions, Problems |
Energy, Industry, Mobility, Trade, Unmet Needs |
---- |
National Agricultural Information System of Jordan |
Problems, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions |
Agriculture, Consumption, Land Use, Governance, Water |
2015 |
National Association for Home Care |
Social Solutions |
Population |
---- |
National Association of Forest Industries |
Activities, Social Solutions |
Land Use, Industry |
---- |
National Audubon Society |
Activities, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions, Problems |
Land Use |
---- |
National Center for Education Statistics |
Social Solutions |
Population |
---- |