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Vienna Document 2011 on Confidence- and Security-Building Measures

The re-issued document adopted at the 665th Special Meeting of the OSCE, which reaffirms the member states’ dedication to refrain from threat or use of force in order to build regional security and achieve disarmament. Calls for member states to participate in annual exchange of military information regarding military forces, weapon and equipment systems, plans for deployment, and defense planning. Allows member states to request clarification of provided information or explanation of unusual military activities in order to increase transparency and co-operation. Sets guidelines for reporting hazardous incidents of a military nature in order to mitigate security concerns and demands prior notification of certain military activities. Encourages member states to host visits of other states to dispel concerns regarding military activities. Requires member states to arrange visits to air bases during peacetime and encourages regular exchanges and visits between military institutions. Also encourages joint military exercises and training, observation visits, and provision of experts. Requires member states to hold demonstrations of new types of major weapon and equipment systems for all other participating states. Requires member states to exchange annual calendars of military activities and includes constraining provisions for military activities subject to prior notification. Sets guidelines for the rights of member states to inspection and evaluation within the zone of Confidence- and Security-Building Measures (CSBMs). States regional measures and terms of an annual implementation assessment meeting, plus conditions for updating the Vienna Document.