Trees for the Future, Inc. |
Social Solutions |
Land Use |
---- |
Canadian Forests - Internet Gateway |
Activities |
Land Use, Industry |
---- |
The Dryland Predicament: Natural Capital, Global Forces |
Activities, International Responses, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions, Problems |
Agriculture, Conflicts, Land Use, Governance, Migration, Population, Trade, Unmet Needs, Urbanization, Water |
---- |
Egypt's Ministry of State for Environmental Affairs |
Activities, Problems, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions, International Responses |
Energy, Land Use, Governance, Population, Urbanization, Water |
---- |
QATAR : general data of the country |
Activities |
Agriculture, Conflicts, Energy, Land Use, Governance, Industry, Population, Trade, Unmet Needs, Urbanization, Water |
---- |
USDA Forest Service National Headquarters |
Social Solutions |
Land Use |
---- |
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation |
Activities, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions |
Land Use, Governance, Water |
---- |
Report of the UNCED Chapter 11: Combating Deforestation |
Social Solutions |
Land Use |
---- |
Global Terrestrial Observing System (GTOS) |
Problems |
Agriculture, Consumption, Energy, Land Use, Industry, Mobility, Water |
---- |
Libya Creates World's Largest Sustainable Development |
International Responses, Social Solutions |
Energy, Land Use, Governance, Mobility, Population, Trade, Urbanization, Water |
---- |
Natural Resources and Rural Development in Arid Lands: Case Studies from Sudan |
Activities, Problems, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions |
Agriculture, Consumption, Energy, Land Use, Governance, Population, Unmet Needs, Water |
---- |
Forest Service Employees for Environmental Ethics (FSEEE) |
Social Solutions |
Land Use |
---- |
Development Alternatives Group |
Activities, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions, Problems |
Agriculture, Consumption, Energy, Land Use, Industry, Unmet Needs, Urbanization, Water |
---- |
Forest Products Laboratory |
Technical Solutions |
Land Use |
---- |
Thematic Guide on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change |
Activities, Problems, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions |
Agriculture, Land Use, Governance, Population, Trade, Unmet Needs |
---- |
The Door to Algeria |
Activities, International Responses, Problems |
Agriculture, Energy, Land Use, Governance, Industry, Population, Trade |
---- |
Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN: Partnership Programmes |
Technical Solutions |
Land Use |
---- |
Global Action Plan |
Problems |
Consumption, Energy, Land Use, Water |
---- |
Department of Statistics, Jordan: Environment and Urban Architecture |
Activities, Problems |
Agriculture, Energy, Land Use, Governance, Industry, Unmet Needs, Urbanization, Water |
---- |
World Bank Forests and Forestry |
Social Solutions |
Land Use |
---- |
Resources For the Future (RFF) |
Activities, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions, Problems |
Consumption, Energy, Land Use, Industry, Mobility, Water |
---- |
Natural resources aspects of sustainable development in Bulgaria |
Activities, Social Solutions, Technical Solutions, Problems |
Energy, Industry, Agriculture, Land Use, Water, Migration |
---- |
ENTRI - Environmental Treaty Texts |
Social Solutions |
Energy, Land Use, Industry, Mobility, Population, Trade |
---- |
Regional Wood Energy Development Programme in Asia |
Activities, Problems, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions |
Energy, Land Use, Industry, Mobility, Population |
---- |
Information on Lebanon |
Activities, Social Solutions, Problems |
Agriculture, Consumption, Energy, Land Use, Governance, Industry, Migration, Mobility, Population, Trade, Urbanization, Water |
---- |
Global Land Programme |
Technical Solutions |
Land Use |
---- |
CREA (Conservation through Research, Education, and Action) Balancing People and Nature |
Activities, Problems, Social Solutions |
Energy, Agriculture, Land Use, Conflicts, Unmet Needs, Population |
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Ministry of Environment, Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency |
Activities, Problems, Social Solutions |
Agriculture, Consumption, Energy, Land Use, Governance, Industry, Migration, Mobility, Population, Trade, Unmet Needs, Urbanization, Water |
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High Country News |
Activities |
Land Use |
---- |
Forest Stewardship Council |
Technical Solutions, Social Solutions |
Land Use |
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Natural resources aspects of sustainable development in Brazil. |
Technical Solutions, Social Solutions |
Energy, Industry, Agriculture, Land Use, Water, Migration |
---- |
World Resources Institute (WRI) |
Activities, Problems, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions |
Agriculture, Conflicts, Consumption, Energy, Land Use, Governance, Industry, Migration, Mobility, Population, Trade, Unmet Needs, Urbanization, Water |
---- |
Five Developmental Projects Funded by the Small Grant Program |
Activities, International Responses, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions, Problems |
Energy, Land Use, Governance, Population, Trade, Water |
---- |
National Resources Defense Council |
Problems, Technical Solutions |
Agriculture, Land Use, Water |
---- |
Agroforestry Defined |
Social Solutions |
Land Use |
---- |
WWF - Forest Links |
Activities, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions, Problems |
Land Use |
---- |
Great Lakes Information Network |
Activities, Problems, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions |
Agriculture, Land Use, Water |
---- |
Urban Population, Poverty and Sustainable Development: |
Activities, International Responses, Technical Solutions, Problems |
Agriculture, Energy, Land Use, Governance, Mobility, Population, Water |
---- |
Trust for Public Land |
Social Solutions |
Land Use |
---- |
UNDP Programme on Forests |
Activities, International Responses, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions, Problems |
Land Use, Unmet Needs |
---- |
Persian Gulf Oil and Gas Exports Fact Sheet |
Activities |
Consumption, Energy, Land Use, Governance, Mobility, Trade |
---- |
Guide to Clean Water Act Citizen Suits |
Social Solutions |
Land Use, Governance, Water |
---- |
Mesoscale and Microscale Meteorology at the National Center for Atmospheric Research |
Activities |
Agriculture, Land Use, Water |
---- |
Tropical Forests And The Greenhouse Effect: A Management Response |
Social Solutions |
Land Use |
---- |
CSIRO - Australia |
Technical Solutions |
Agriculture, Energy, Land Use, Industry, Water |
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National BioEnergy Industries Association |
Technical Solutions |
Agriculture, Energy, Land Use, Industry |
---- |
The Case of Qat in Yemen |
Activities, International Responses, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions, Problems |
Agriculture, Consumption, Energy, Land Use, Mobility, Population, Unmet Needs, Water |
---- |
Natural Resource Aspects of Natural Sustainable Development In Tunisia |
Activities, Problems, Social Solutions, International Responses |
Agriculture, Energy, Land Use, Governance, Migration, Trade, Water |
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Japan's ODA Official Development Assistance |
Activities, Problems, Social Solutions, International Responses |
Trade, Land Use, Water, Unmet Needs, Population |
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IUCN - The World Conservation Union |
Activities, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions, Problems |
Land Use, Water |
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