This article studies the effects of “the era of digital transformation” on Rwandan online services and proposes the implementation of national “Cybersecurity Awareness and Capacity Building” CERT portal to ensure free flow of cyber-related information and security solutions, including antivirus and firewall. The author argues there is a lack of awareness, resources (i.e. electricity), and critical government infrastructure within Rwanda and suggests a plan with some of the following objectives; (a) the implementation of Cyber Forensics/law enforcement to respond to cybercrime, (b) improvement of professional cyber training, (c) recovery systems, and (d) the early detection of cyber attacks via a strong government gateway. Ntaganda then lays out a series of requirements needed and the proposed timeline for the completion of his preliminary report. He concludes by emphasizing the importance of safeguarding personal and financial information for Rwandan citizens, considering increased levels of risks and numbers of threats worldwide.
National University of Rwanda
Industry Focus:
Information & Telecommunication
Internet & Cyberspace