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Privacy and Data Protection in Cyberspace in Indian Environment

Deals with privacy issues from the Indian perspective in three dimensions: legal, technical, and political. Proposes a framework to deal with challenges using technological advancements such as mobility (Geographic Knowledge Discovery), data mining, and cloud computing. The ability to access information remotely from all over the world poses a major threat to private and confidential information. Globalization has spread technology around the world and growing requirements have introduced legal frameworks like the Data Protection Act in the United Kingdom and the Electronic Communications Privacy Act in the United States. Yet India does not have a comprehensive legal framework to address privacy issues in the cyber world. Provides a solution as well as future requirements of privacy in the Indian environment under the belief that “true power of any law lies on its ability and ease of enforcement.” The Human Rights discourse recognizes privacy in following dimensions: privacy of person, privacy of personal behavior, privacy of personal communication, and privacy of personal data. Proposed framework travels from data collection to data storage to data process to data access, as part of the privacy protection method. Findings take place in areas of e-Governance, e-Jurisdiction, e-Media, BPO, telecommunication, health, e-Business, and tourism.
Shrikant Ardhapurkar, Tanu Srivastava, Swati Sharma, Vijay Chaurasiya, Abhishek VAish
Engg Journals Publication
Industry Focus: 
Information & Telecommunication
Internet & Cyberspace
Legal & Financial
Bibliographies & Reports