"Uncontrolled releases of Tigris and Euphrates River waters after the 2003 war have partially restored some former marsh areas in southern Iraq, but restoration is failing in others because of high soil and water salinities. Nearly 20% of the original 15,000-square-kilometer marsh area was re-flooded by March 2004, but the extent of marsh restoration is unknown. High-quality water, non-saline soils, and the densest native vegetation were found in the only remaining natural marsh, the Al-Hawizeh, located on the Iranian border. Although substantially reduced in area and under current threat of an Iranian dike, it has the potential to be a native re-population center for the region. Rapid reestablishment, high productivity, and reproduction of native flora and fauna in re-flooded former marsh areas indicate a high probability for successful restoration, provided the restored wetlands are hydraulically designed to allow sufficient flow of non-contaminated water and flushing of salts through the ecosystem."
Curtis J. Richardson, Peter Resis, Najah A. Hussain, Azzam J. Al wash, Douglas J. Pool
Duke University Wetland Center, Nicholas School of Environment and Earth Sciences