The academic journal provides an in-depth history and analysis of international cyber law and provisions since 1850 and explains that the principles of the original agreements govern a lot of the understanding of international cyber law today. Rutkoswki explains that the cyber law obligations that were established by that the International Telecommunications Union still apply to almost every state. Some if these obligations include to not inflict “technical harm” on another country’s facilities or operations, to ensure communication security, and to not interfere with the radio services of another country. The article provides a timeline of cyber security advancements from the original laws regarding radios to the first large-scale Internet virus to current technical advancements. Finally, the article provides a list of the current international treaties and cyber law provisions.
Key words: government policy, telecommunications, cyber law and provisions, information society, open wireless networks, and the International Telecommunications Union.
Industry Focus:
Information & Telecommunication
Internet & Cyberspace