Identifies cyberspace operations as a critical component of military operations. Describes cyberspace domain, threats and vulnerabilities, and a strategic framework for action to ensure that Armed Forces have the capacity to conduct cyberspace operations in future years. Defines cyberspace as “a domain characterized by the use of electronics and the electromagnetic spectrum to store, modify, and exchange data via networked systems and associated physical infrastructures.” Identifies strategic goal as to ensure US military strategic superiority in cyberspace through five fundamental ways (information operations, network operations, kinetic actions, law enforcement and counterintelligence, and themes and messages) and six enabling ways (science and technology, partnering, intelligence data and support to operations, situational awareness, law and policy, and people). Four strategic priorities for implementation are: gain and maintain initiative to operate within adversary decision cycles, integrate cyberspace capabilities across the range of military operations, build capacity, and manage operational risk. Purpose for integrating cyberspace operations in DoD’s national defense role is comprised of five elements: strategic context providing working definition and cyberspace characteristics; threats and vulnerabilities; strategic considerations for identifying priorities; military strategic framework including ends, ways, and means; and implementation and assessment to identify areas where change is needed.
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
United States Department of Defense
Industry Focus:
Information & Telecommunication
Internet & Cyberspace