The challenge of meeting human development needs while protecting
the earth’s life support systems confronts scientists, technologists,
policy makers, and communities from local to global
levels. Many believe that science and technology (S&T) must play
a more central role in sustainable development, yet little systematic
scholarship exists on how to create institutions that effectively
harness S&T for sustainability. This study suggests that efforts to
mobilize S&T for sustainability are more likely to be effective when
they manage boundaries between knowledge and action in ways
that simultaneously enhance the salience, credibility, and legitimacy
of the information they produce. Effective systems apply a
variety of institutional mechanisms that facilitate communication,
translation and mediation across boundaries.
David W. Cash, William C. Clark, Frank Alcock, Nancy M. Dickson, Noelle Eckley, David H. Guston, Jill Ja¨ger, and Ronald B. Mitchell
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