According to the report groundwater protection zones should be defined in order to prevent or decrease the risk of contamination of groundwater resources by chemicals and organisms hazardous to human health. The entire area to be protected around public water should be classified into different zones depending on the potential contamination risk that usually decreases with the distance of the activity contributing to groundwater contamination from the production well. The delineation of the protection zones has to be done taking into account the competing interests of different water users.The size of the Immediate Protection Zone (Zone I) is recommended to be at least 15 m in all directions of the operating municipal well. The area of Zone I should be entirely fenced and an access is allowed only to authorized persons. No activities are allowed except those needed to operate the well.
Victor Rybakov, Ali Kasem As Sayagh and Mohammed H. Emad (GIS and Data-base)
National Programme on Integrated Water Resources Management