Nuclear waste is a serious problem, because we still have not found a long-term solution to store it. The radiation is extremely dangerous for the environment and exposure could potentially wipe out the human species and dangerously pollute the environment. As of right now, the best solution we have is to store it in water tanks because the water locks in the radiation with constant pumps that keep the energy low. In the United States, we store it in an underground storage facility at the Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Repository in Nevada. All of these solutions are not viable since it requires continuously high maintenance around the clock, and there is only a finite amount of storage capacity. A permanent long term nuclear waste solution needs to be able to be sustained without the supervision of humans and with complete confidence that it will not leak into the environment. We also need to stop the production of nuclear waste because if we keep producing it at our current rate, we will just keep filling up the storage capacities and increasing the risk of exposure.