This “think piece” aims to draw attention to the information revolution, which, the authors argue, will re-shape how states and societies come into conflict. Seismic shifts like this, the article states, tend to breakdown traditional institutional hierarchies and allow for the dominance of networks over institutions. Arquilla and Ronfeldt begin by comparing and defining “Netwar” and “Cyberwar,” with cyberwar characterized as the “disruption or destruction of information and communication systems” at the military level. The authors then draw historical comparisons – from the Mongols to Blitzkrieg and beyond – to emphasize the strategic and tactical importance of information and communication infrastructure. “Cyberwar is Coming!” turns quickly to the future by offering predictions and theory regarding the nature and many implications of cyberwar – concluding with a call for continued research into the topic.
John Arquilla, David Ronfeldt
Industry Focus:
Information & Telecommunication
Internet & Cyberspace