Development Alternatives Group |
Activities, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions, Problems |
Agriculture, Consumption, Energy, Land Use, Industry, Unmet Needs, Urbanization, Water |
---- |
Forest Products Laboratory |
Technical Solutions |
Land Use |
---- |
Thematic Guide on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change |
Activities, Problems, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions |
Agriculture, Land Use, Governance, Population, Trade, Unmet Needs |
---- |
ENTRI - Environmental Treaty Texts |
Social Solutions |
Energy, Land Use, Industry, Mobility, Population, Trade |
---- |
Regional Wood Energy Development Programme in Asia |
Activities, Problems, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions |
Energy, Land Use, Industry, Mobility, Population |
---- |
Information on Lebanon |
Activities, Social Solutions, Problems |
Agriculture, Consumption, Energy, Land Use, Governance, Industry, Migration, Mobility, Population, Trade, Urbanization, Water |
---- |
Global Land Programme |
Technical Solutions |
Land Use |
---- |
World Bank Forests and Forestry |
Social Solutions |
Land Use |
---- |
Resources For the Future (RFF) |
Activities, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions, Problems |
Consumption, Energy, Land Use, Industry, Mobility, Water |
---- |
Natural resources aspects of sustainable development in Bulgaria |
Activities, Social Solutions, Technical Solutions, Problems |
Energy, Industry, Agriculture, Land Use, Water, Migration |
---- |
New Forests Project |
Social Solutions |
Land Use |
1982 |
Citrus replant problem in Iraq II. Possible role of allelopathy |
Problems |
Agriculture, Land Use |
1989 |
Indigenous Plant Protection in Yemen |
Activities, Problems |
Agriculture, Consumption, Energy, Land Use, Governance, Population, Urbanization, Water |
1992 |
Agenda 21 |
Activities, Problems, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions, International Responses |
Agriculture, Conflicts, Consumption, Energy, Land Use, Governance, Industry, Migration, Mobility, Population, Trade, Unmet Needs, Urbanization, Water |
1992 |
Readings in Sustainable Forest Management |
Social Solutions |
Land Use |
1994 |
Protected areas in Saudi Arabia: Sustainable use of natural resource |
Activities, Problems, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions |
Agriculture, Land Use, Governance, Water |
1994 |
The national local policy vacuum in sustainable land use planning : Al-Qatif Oasis, Saudi Arabia |
Social Solutions |
Agriculture, Land Use, Urbanization, Water |
1994 |
Second Ordinary Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity |
Social Solutions |
Land Use |
1995 |
Climate Change Mitigation in Southern Africa: Methodological Development, Regional Implementation Aspects, National Mitigation Analysis and Institutional Capacity Building in Botswana, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe |
Activities, Problems, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions |
Agriculture, Consumption, Energy, Land Use, Industry, Mobility, Population |
1995 |
Small Island Developing States Network (SIDSnet) |
Problems, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions |
Consumption, Energy, Land Use, Industry, Mobility, Water |
1997 |
Report of the Fourth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity |
Activities, Problems, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions |
Agriculture, Energy, Land Use, Mobility, Trade, Water |
1998 |
The Indirect Costs and Benefits of Greenhouse Gas Limitations |
Activities, Problems, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions, International Responses |
Agriculture, Energy, Land Use, Industry, Mobility, Unmet Needs |
1998 |
Climate Change Mitigation in Southern Africa: Zambia Country Study |
Activities, Problems, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions, International Responses |
Agriculture, Energy, Land Use, Industry, Mobility, Population |
1999 |
Desertification in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia |
Activities, Problems, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions |
Agriculture, Consumption, Land Use, Water |
1999 |
Nature and Agriculture in Syria |
Problems |
Agriculture, Land Use |
1999 |
IPCC Special Report on Land Use, Land-Use Change And Forestry |
International Responses |
Land Use |
2000 |
An Overview of Logging in Cameroon |
Activities, Problems, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions |
Agriculture, Land Use, Industry |
2000 |
Earth Negotiations Bulletin Vol. 12 No. 151: Summary of the Thirteenth Sessions of the Subsidiary Bodies of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (html version) |
Activities, International Responses, Social Solutions, Problems |
Energy, Land Use, Unmet Needs |
2000 |
Understanding the complexity of economic, ecological, and social systems |
Problems, Social Solutions, International Responses |
Energy, Land Use, Governance, Population, Trade, Urbanization |
2001 |
Cost-Effective Conservation--A Review of What Works to Preserve Biodiversity |
Technical Solutions |
Land Use |
2001 |
Syrian Arab Republic Country Profile |
Problems, Social Solutions, International Responses |
Agriculture, Consumption, Energy, Land Use, Governance, Industry, Mobility, Population, Trade, Urbanization |
2002 |
Soil health and global sustainability: translating science into practice |
Problems, Technical Solutions |
Agriculture, Land Use |
2002 |
Water availability for the greening of Kuwait |
Activities, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions |
Agriculture, Energy, Land Use, Governance, Industry, Water |
2002 |
Ecocosm Dynamics, Ltd. (EDL) |
Social Solutions |
Consumption, Land Use |
2002 |
The Environmental Impacts of the Gulf War 1991 |
Activities, Problems, Technical Solutions, Social Solutions, International Responses |
Agriculture, Conflicts, Consumption, Energy, Land Use, Governance, Industry, Migration, Mobility, Population, Trade, Unmet Needs, Urbanization, Water |
2004 |
The National Strategy for Conservation of Biodiversity in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia |
Social Solutions |
Agriculture, Consumption, Land Use |
2005 |
Nutrition Country Profile: State of Kuwait |
Social Solutions |
Agriculture, Consumption, Energy, Land Use, Governance, Population, Unmet Needs, Water |
2006 |
Environmental benefits of energy efficiency and renewable energy in Saudi Arabia's electric sector |
Social Solutions |
Consumption, Land Use, Water |
2006 |
Regional soil erosion risk mapping in Lebanon |
Problems, Technical Solutions |
Agriculture, Land Use, Water |
2006 |
Environmental Sustainability: A Consumption Approach |
Problems, Social Solutions |
Consumption, Energy, Land Use, Governance, Unmet Needs, Water |
2006 |
Environment-Morocco: The Old Picture Is Disappearing |
Activities, Problems, Social Solutions, International Responses |
Energy, Land Use, Governance, Water |
2006 |
Analysis of feeds and fertilizers for sustainable aquaculture development in Egypt |
Activities, Social Solutions |
Agriculture, Consumption, Land Use, Water |
2007 |
Agricultural sustainability in the semi-arid Near East |
Problems |
Agriculture, Land Use, Water |
2007 |
Green Cities, Growing Cities, Just Cities?: Urban Planning and the Contradictions of Sustainable Development |
Problems, Social Solutions |
Agriculture, Consumption, Energy, Land Use |
2007 |
Policies to Reduce Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation in Developing Countries An examination of theissuesfacingthe incorporation of REDDintomarket-based climate policies |
Social Solutions |
Agriculture, Land Use, Governance |
2008 |
Life cycle sustainability assessment of products |
Activities, Problems |
Land Use, Industry |
2008 |
Water Management Development and Agriculture in Syria |
Problems, Social Solutions |
Agriculture, Land Use, Water |
2008 |
Perspectives for sustainable management of cedar forests in Lebanon: situation analysis and guidelines |
Activities, Technical Solutions |
Agriculture, Land Use |
2008 |
Crossing Scales and Disciplines to Achieve Forest Sustainability |
Social Solutions |
Land Use |
2008 |
Social Security Guide in Kuwait |
Social Solutions |
Land Use, Governance, Migration, Population, Urbanization |
2009 |