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Greening, new frontiers for research and employment in the agro-food sector.

The European Union's (EU) Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) focus on “greening” is meant to both protect and enhance biodiversity and to make food production more sustainable by encouraging the responsible use of natural resources. Various policy and regulatory measures are being implemented to push “greening” policies. For instance the EU is provided compensation so that farmers invest time and resources in maintaining permanent grasslands, practice crop diversification and manage ecological focus areas. Greening is being pushed forward by the consumer or market pull motivated by preferences for more sustainably produced food and sustainability initiatives along the agro-food chain. In order for the successful implementation of greening practices, the EU needs to invest in research and development activities. Interdisciplinary professionals will be needed to create solutions for a sustainable and socially and economically healthy agricultural system. Not only do farmers need assistance with implementing and managing greening measures, but also to reap the benefits of their investments by networking and engaging with stakeholders higher in the agro-food chain, such as retailers and supermarkets. The EU needs to focus more attention on these factors to ensure successful “greening”.
Manpriet Singha, Alexandru Marchisb, Ettore Capric,
OPERA Research Centre, Universita Cattolicà del Sacro Cuore, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Domains-Issue Area: 
Industry Focus: 
Food & Agriculture