

Authoritative and legitimate modes of managing public and private interests, at international, national, state and regional, and local/municipal levels of organization.

I. 活动与条件

A. 公共商品的供应


a. 运输
b. 通信
c. 其他

2. 社会基础组织

a. 身份确认 
b. 定义和维护国家形象 

3. 规则 

a. 正式的样式
b. 非正式方法
c. 混合模式

4. 立法

a. 执行方式和法令
b. 立法体系

i. Formal institutional
ii. Informal or traditional

5. 判决和处理纠纷

a. Formal mechanisms

i. Courts of law
ii. Claims systems

b. Informal mechanisms
c. 传统机制

6. 国家安全

a. Defense from external threats

i. Funding of defense related activities and R&D
ii. Procurement and maintenance of armed forces

b. Internal "law and order"

7. Distribution of benefits and entitlements

a. Social security
b. Unemployment benefits
c. Insurance coverage

i. Medical
ii. Social services
iii. Personal damages

B. 利益和政策 的管理

1. 需求的清晰度 

a. Balancing interests
b. Representation of interests
c. Defining authoritative preferences

2. 调节过程

a. Political parties
b. informal political groupings
c. Forms of representation
d. Forms of political participation

3. 影响外部活动和政策

a. Shaping foreign & economic policies
b. Defining position toward globalization processes

4. 管理政府的负荷和容量

a. Succession issues
b. Accountability & related issues
c Policy formulation & consequences
d. Managing government capabilities

II. 持续性问题

A. 社会经济政策压力

1. 人口需求

a. Changes in amounts of demand for basic resources (food, energy, etc.)
b. Demands due to rural-urban
c. Demands due to immigration

2. 平等的需求和压力

a. Enhanced ethnic, cultural, racial disparities in wealth and opportunities
b. Enhanced income and/or class disparities
c. Enhanced regional or spatial disparities

3. 平等的需求和压力

a. For types of foodstuffs
b. For energy resources
c. For infrastructure and services
d. Other

B. 向立法挑战

1. 国内挑战

a. Failures of representation

i. Cultural or ethnic tensions 
ii. Tensions due to changes in demographic composition
iii. Pressures due to migration (internal and external)

b. Conflicts for control of governance
c. Breakdown of social order and/or the social contract

2. 外部挑战

a. Foreign military activity
b. Competitive pressures in the international economy
c. Intended or unintended population inflows
d. Specific economic threats

3. 领土边界的变化

a. Due to session movements
b. Due to territorial acquisitions 
c. Due to unification

III. 科学和技术解决方案

A. 为适应需求管理而革新整理财产

1. 监控消费者和投票者的行为
2. 与机构有关技术网络的使用
3. Facilitating Access to Benefits & Services

B. Pursuing Eco-efficiency in Public Infrastructure and Enterprises

1. 政府和机构的绿化

a. Greening of infrastructure and services
b. Greening of physical processes and deliverables

IV. 社会、经济、政策和法律解决方案

A. 提高对集体行为的处理

1. 需求管理
2. 集体安全规定

a. Formal accords and agreements

i. 双边的
ii. 地区性的
iii. 国际的

b. 非正式安排

3. 改进表示法
4. 有效的利益清晰度
5. 响应的常规化

a. 双边的
b. 地区性的
c. 国际的

B. 有效的机构和市民反馈

1. 加强市民素质

a. Empowering Community Participation
b. Facilitating Feedback on action and decision

2. 确定机构责任
3. 报告形式的大众化
4. 方便地获得金融资源

a. Creation of new Credit Mechanisms
b. Expanding Opportunities
c. Strengthening effectiveness of "safety nets"