Knowledge System

Unmet Basic Needs

Inability to provide for one's own and one's dependents' food, clothing, housing and health care because of insufficient income and/or resources.


A. Unmet Basic Needs


A. Poor quality of life

1. Insufficient personal material goods
2. Lack of healthy and humane environment
3. Insecurity in lifestyle

a. Employment
b. Housing
c. Disasters
d. Education constraints
e. Gender & minority issues

4. Disease
5. Gender inequalities

B. Malnutrition

1. Income constraints
2. Market failure/Distribution failure
3. Political Intervention
4. Agricultural failures due to annual fluctuations (temporary effects)
5. Technical failures

C. Health hazards

1. Limited hygienic measures

a. Lack of sewage system
b. Contaminated water
c. Waste management measure
d. Air pollution

2. Reduced immunities
3. Pollution due to production
4. Limitations of laws to protect sound rights

D. Environmental Degradation


A. Access to Technology & Infrastructure

1. Type of technology and infrastructure

a. Knowledge
b. Equipment
c. Management

2. Scale of technology

a. Large projects with capacity to affect a region (e.g. utilities, dams, sewerage)
b. Individually based Technology (e.g. farming, building methods)
c. Reduce obstacles to:

i. Internal development
ii. External access

3. Entrepreneurial Opportunities

a. Type of business

i. Small scale business
ii. Co-op
iii. Informal sector

b. Type of support

i. Management/Organization
ii. Start-up
iii. Product management
iv. Credit system

4. Food Security

a. Technical innovations
b. Distribution efficiencies


A. Poverty Alleviation Assistance (i.e. income enhancement/creation policies, enhanced income opportunities)

1. Job creation

a. Permanent government jobs/public services
b. Temporary poverty alleviation work
c. Improve investment climate

2. Improved resource access and management

a. Land
b. Water rights
c. Fishing rights
d. Property rights
e. Informal contracts

3. Empowerment of women

B. Enhanced Capacity Building (i.e. Enhanced income earning capabilities)

1. Institutions

a. Research
b. Education

2. Support (e.g. funding, policies)
3. Management strategies and mechanisms
4. Public administration and regulatory bodies
5. Systems and institutional structures

C. Improved Health & Environment Management

D. Responsive legal systems

1. Tax law
2. Tenure law
3. Labor law
4. Property law
5. Business law
6. Informal regulations